おうちで鉄道の旅 (Train Cruise at Home)
Three trains can run at the same time. Good for “Shinkansen" bullet train, a high speed train, and a local or a commuter train.

使用したパーツ Parts | 個数 Quantity |
直線レール Straight rail | 9 |
1/2直線レール 1/2 straight rail | 7 |
1/4直線レール 1/4 straight rail | 凹凸(F-M) 1 凹凹(F-F) 1 |
2倍直線レール 2x straight rail | 1 |
地下直線レール Underground straight rail | 2 |
高架直線レール Elevated straight rail | 5 |
複線直線レール Double track straight rail | 2 |
曲線レール Curve rail | 19 |
高架曲線レール Elevated curve rail | 10 |
複線曲線レール Double track curve rail | 4 |
単線・複線ポイントレール Single-double track point rail | A1, B1 |
自動ターンアウトレール Automatic turnout rail | 1 |
8の字ポイントレール Figure-8 point rail | L1 |
交差ポイントレール Grade crossing point rail | 1 |
ストップレール Stop/go rail | 1 |
ブロック橋脚 Pier block | 37 |
複線ブロック橋脚 Double track pier block | 9 |
街の駅 Town station | 1 |
橋上駅 Elevated station | 1 |
都会の駅 City station | 1 |
大きな鉄橋 Large railroad bridge | 1 |
信号機 Traffic light | 1 |
- 都会の駅は廃版品です。かわりにサウンド駅(J-13)を使うことができます。
City station has been discontinued. Sound station (J-13) may be used instead. - 高架直線レールや高架曲線レールがない場合は、普通の直線レールや曲線レールを使ってもかまいません。
If you don’t have elevated straight rails or elevated curve rails, conventional straight rails and curve rails substitute for elevated ones. - 街の駅は、プラキッズ駅セット(J-28)に入っている駅です。
Town station is the station which is included in J-28. - 橋上駅(J-25)のかわりに、直線レール1本分の大きさの駅(街の駅など)を使うことができます。
Whichever 1 straight rail long station may be used instead of an elevated station (J-25).
つくりかた (How to build)
Step 1. 地上階レイアウト (Ground level track)
Build the ground level track.

Pay attention to the direction of the rail joints as shown below.

Recommended to use grade crossing rail with no yellow point side up.
Step 2. 橋脚1段目 (First level pier blocks)
Place pier blocks.

Several single track part requires a double track pier block.
Step 3. 2階レイアウト (Second level track)
Build the 2nd level.

The traffic light may be omitted if you don’t have it.
Step 4. 橋脚2段目 (Second level pier blocks)
Place pier blocks for the next level.

Here we used gray pier blocks which accompany with elevated rails.
Step 5. 3階レイアウト (Third level track)
Build the 3rd level.
If you don’t have elevated rails, use conventional straight and curve rails instead.

The deep gray straight and 1/2 straight rails are the ones which come with marshaling yard (J-06).
Step 6. かざりつけ (Decoration)
Decorate the track with overhead wire poles, trees, traffic signs, etc.

Gorgeous 3-tiered track layout.

From the other side.

As this pier block is likely to be hit by a train, keep it away from the track as much as possible.
The ground level is good for a local or a commuter train. Fun to see the automatic switching point and the grade crossing.
The second level is a simple loop good for a limited express train.
The third level is good for the fastest Shinkansen bullet train. The large railroad bridge and the diagonal straights are so cool.
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You might be able to enjoy a train cruise at home…probably!