名古屋市営地下鉄上飯田線 (Nagoya City Subway Kami-iida Line)
The shortest subway line in Japan which is suitable for Plarail at home to build the whole track.

Nagoya City Subway Kami-iida Line
使用したパーツ Parts | 個数 Quantity |
直線レール Straight rail | 6 |
1/2直線レール 1/2 straight rail | 1 |
1/4直線レール 1/4 straight rail | 凹凸(F-M) 3 凸凸(M-M) 1 |
複線直線レール Double track straight rail | 2 |
ストップレール Stop/go rail | 1 |
複線わたりポイントレール Double track crossover point rail | 2 |
単線・複線ポイントレール Single-double track point rail | B1 |
複線幅広ポイントレール Double track wide point rail | A1, B1 |
街の駅 Town station | 2 |
車止め Buffer stop | 3 |
上飯田線について (About Kami-iida Line)
Kami-iida Line is a subway line which has only 2 stations, Heian-dori (pronounce as “hey-an-doh-ree") and Kami-iida (“Car-me-yee-dah").
After Kami-iida, it connects to Meitetsu Komaki Line for through service.
See Wikipedia (Japanese only, though) for details.
つくりかた (How to build)
Step 1. 平安通駅 (Heian-dori terminal)
As subway cannot be observed by a satellite (e.g. Google Maps), use Wikipedia to get information about the station and the track.
After departing Heian-dori, there seems an X shape crossover track. Unfortunately such a track is not on sale at the date this article being made so, use double track wide point rail (R-15) and double track crossover point rail (R-24) instead so that a train can crossover each inbound and outbound track.

Step 2. 上飯田駅 (Kami-iida station)
The next is Kami-iida station.
Since the distance between the tracks is slightly different at each end of the station, use four 1/4 straight rails to adjust the joint and to compensate the lateral misalignment.

Step 3. 完成図 (Overall view)
There is no Plarail train available for Kami-iida Line/Meitetsu Komaki Line. Choose the most similar train from your collections.

If you have more rails and a room to extend the track, you can also make Shonai River after Kami-iida and/or the next stop Ajima.

Would you like it?
Actually I have never taken this train, but am willing to do it someday.