いつものパーツをひねって使う (Unusual Use of Usual Parts)
A track layout with an advanced use of the very common Plarail parts.

使用したパーツ Parts | 個数 Quantity |
直線レール Straight rail | 6 |
1/2直線レール 1/2 straight rail | 4 |
1/4直線レール 1/4 straight rail | 凹凸(F-M) 2 |
曲線レール Curve rail | 11 |
ニュー坂レール Slope rail | 2 |
坂曲線レール Sloping curve rail | B4 |
ターンアウトレール Turnout rail | L1, R1 |
Y字ポイントレール Y point rail | A1, B1 |
ブロック橋脚 Pier block | 6 |
ミニ橋脚 Mini pier | 8 |
街の駅 Town station | 1 |
ニュー踏切 Single track railroad crossing | 1 |
つくりかた (How to build)
See the figure below.
Start building from sloping curve rails for an appropriate direction of the rail joints.
Two 1/4 straight rails make the track nicer, but may be omitted if you don’t have those.
You can use whichever station and railroad crossing with the length of 1 straight rail.

Includes a station, a R/R crossing, branches, up/down, and a multi-level crossing.
The unique points of this track are,
- Y字ポイントレールが分岐した先でカーブしていて、しかも2種類の坂で登る(下りる)ところ。
Curves after Y point rail branch and goes up/down on the two different types of slope. - ターンアウトレールで分岐した直線が、もう片方のターンアウトレールの直線ではなく曲線から合流するところ。
The straight branch of a turnout rail merge the curve branch of the other turnout rail, not the straight one.

Thought out the use of point rails and slopes.
After running one train, it would be also fun to run two trains at the same time to the same direction, and switch the points in a timely manner not to cause an accident.
Would you like it?
With very basic Plarail parts, we built an unlikely track to be an example on a package of Plarail product.
Hope this helps to expand your track layout ideas.