はじめてのプラレールとその次 (First Plarail and next)
To suggest which Plarail product(s) to get first, and what should be the next.
Do you have a good idea which Plarail products to get – when you are about to start Plarail or when you want something next as you get to be unsatisfactory for the first kit?
This article would advice Plarail beginners which items to get.
First of all, here is Tomica & Plarail catalog (Japanese only). The prices are MSRP. Most rail parts are numbered “R-xx" and scenery (Jokei) parts are numbered “J-xx" therefore you’ll be able to identify the parts by the numbers even if written only in Japanese.
はじめてのプラレール (Your 1st Plarail)
When you are willing to start Plarail, you may think about a set product which includes a train, rails, and 'jokei' scenery parts (e.g. station, railroad crossing, and tunnel).
Since set products of Plarail are released every year and the turnover of set products happens so frequently, it’s quite difficult to show you which one to get. We would say you’re lucky if a set product is available which includes a train you want. Get the one if that’s the case.
If there is no set product which includes a Plarail train you want, it’s okay. You don’t need to stick to set product.
Get the train as a single item as well as another set product which includes rails (and scenery parts) only.
Set product sounds like a bargain, but it’s not so much. Prioritize your favorite train.
If you don’t have an idea about Plarail train you want, look at Plarail catalog and/or online shops to find out.
Everybody (probably) likes Shinkansen bullet train. Especially vivid ones – Series E5 Hayabusa (green) and Series E6 Komachi (red) seem to be very popular.
In the catalog, if there is a train running in your local area, that’s good as well.
There are many steam locomotive trains from THOMAS and Friends, too.
If you’re going to get Thomas as a single item, note that it’s almost always Thomas which is included in the THOMAS and Friends set product. Plan not to get a redundant Thomas in the future.
If the boy/girl is under 2 years old, he/she might not need rails yet.
In summary, the flowchart as shown below.

次のプラレールは? (What’s next?)
Sooner or later, after you build all the tracks shown in the package of the Plarail set, you will find it’s not enough.
That’s what it is because the initial set usually includes the parts just for an oval track, some points and sceneries hence there is almost no room for ingenuity.
In order to stimulate kid’s creativity and make Plarail real educational toy, it’s essential to get certain amount of additional rails and scenery parts.
One of the options is to invest in a rail and scenery set.
Below shows individual rail and scenery parts which we would recommend for the addition.
最初のおすすめ追加パーツ (Suggested additional parts after 1st Plarail)
Our selection for first additional 10 items are as follows.
- [R-01] 直線レール (Straight rail)
Usually a set product contains only 2 straights or so. It’s recommended to get 1 pack (4 pcs). - [R-02] 1/2直線レール (1/2 straight rail)
It’s frequently used as well but a set product contains 0~2. One (1) pack (6 pcs) would be good enough. - [R-03] 曲線レール (Curve rail)
The most essential rail. If your have less than 10 curve rails, suggested to get 2 packs. Four (4) pcs per package. - [R-06] ニュー坂レール (Slope rail)
This will allow you to build a track with up and down, it’s so fun! If you already have it, you can omit from additions. Two (2) sloping rails and 2 pier blocks included per package.
- [R-11] ターンアウトレール (Turnout rail)
直線レールと曲線レールを組み合わせた形の、基本的な分岐レールです。これも、すでに持っていれば追加を見送ってよいでしょう。1セットL, R各1本入り。
It’s a basic point rail whose shape is combination of straight rail and curve rail. This may be omitted as well if you already have. L and R pair included per package. - [R-20] 1/4直線レール (1/4 straight rail)
It’s not only quarter length of the straight but also there are 3 joint types; Male-Female, Female-Female, and Male-Male. If you don’t have at least 2 M-F, 1 F-F, and 1 M-M, get 1 pack. Three (3) pcs each of M-F, F-F, and M-M included per package. - [J-04] 大きな鉄橋 (Large railroad bridge)
It’s a red bridge twice as long as a straight rail. It looks great to put it in your elevated tracks and besides, it makes building an overhead crossing easy. It comes with 2 straight rails and 2 brick pier blocks. - [J-14] ブロック橋脚 (Pier block)
It’s an essential to elevate a track. If you have less than 6 pcs, get 1 pack (6 pcs). - [J-27] プラキッズふみきりセット (Deluxe railroad crossing with Pla-kids)
There are variety of railroad crossings released. Get it if you don’t know which one to choose. It’s same length as straight rail, no battery required, it rings and crossing bars come down when a train passes. May be omitted if you already have a railroad crossing. - [J-28] プラキッズ駅セット (Town station with Pla-kids)
シンプル&スタンダードな駅です。駅も色々ありますが、迷ったらこれか「[J-11] つなげよう!くみかえプラレール駅」がよいでしょう。すでに駅を持っていれば追加は見送ってよいと思います。
It’s the simplest and standard Plarail station. There are also wide selections of stations. Get it or [J-11] “Let’s connect! Convertible Plarail station" if it’s hard to decide. May be omitted if you already have a station.
For your reference, the amount at Yodobashi.com including sales tax is, as at the date this article being made,
All 10 items…5,070JPY
Excluding R/R Xing and station (8 items)…3,050JPY
and you’ll be refunded 10% by point. Roughly 100JPY=1USD.

If it’s affordable for you, the following 5 items may be added on top of the 10 above.
- [R-18] 坂曲線レール (Sloping curve rail)
- [R-19] 自動ターンアウトレール (Automatic turnout rail)
- [R-22] Y字ポイントレール (Y point rail)
- [R-23] まがレール (Flexible rail)
- [R-25] 地下直線レール (Underground straight rail)

Probably you also want some more trains, too.
Here is a note that it requires a certain amount of rails and techniques to run multiple trains at the same time.
You can get a train for ¥2,000 ($20) or so. Don’t buy too much.
Furthermore, there are Plarail parts for double track. We won’t introduce double track rails and scenery parts in this article since it will require a bunch of additional parts once you try to build your own double track.

Would you like it?
The Plarail parts introduced in this articles are carefully chosen so that you can build your own track as much as possible with minimum additions.
You’ll eventually need more parts. We would guess you’ll be able to decide which parts to get then.