リバース線 (Reverse Track)
To learn how to build a reverse track which is useful to make any track endless.
A train track built by a child.
One of the typical situations is that kids connect as many stations and railroad crossings as possible, extend the track as much as they can, then it ends up with just run the train from one end to the other end.
If the kid is happy with that, that could be okay.
However, probably he/she asks you to connect one end to the other end so that a train runs continuously.
What can you do for him/her then?

Terrible track layout
In this article, we will introduce a building technique “reverse track" which makes any track endless.
With reverse track at both ends, you can have a train run back and forth.

Go around, switch the point automatically, and come back.

With rev track at both ends, whatever track works.
There are several ways to build a reverse track as shown below. Do it from whichever rails available on hand.
① ターンアウトレールと1/4直線レール (Turnout rail and 1/4 straight rail)
First, reverse tracks built from turnout rail and 1/4 straight rails.
Female-Female or Male-Male 1/4 straight rail is necessary to adjust the joint.

Half straight rail helps to make it compact.

Straight rail substitute for 1/2 straight rail.

Inserted scenery parts into reverse track.
② 8の字ポイントレール (Figure-8 point rail)
Next option is to use figure-8 point rail.
Thanks to Female-Female (or Male-Male) part of figure-8 point rail, 1/4 straight rail is not required in this case to build a reverse track.

Make sure to set points as shown in orange, otherwise the train runs round and round the circle part.

Reverse track without turnout rails.

Reverse track with an overpassing red bridge.
Modified reverse tracks.
③ Uターンレール (U turn rail)
The third option is U turn rail for building a reverse track.
The end of U turn rail is designed for double track. Therefore, use single-double track point rail in order to return to single track.

Use 1/4 straight rail to adjust the joint as necessary.

Double track crossover point rail may be substituted.
④ 複線でのリバース線 (For double track)
Lastly, reverse tracks for double track.
When you want to run trains individually on each track, build 2 reverse tracks per end.

Reverse tracks for individual double track.
In case you would like to connect inbound line end to outbound end, that’s rather a U turn than a reverse track.
So U turn rail will be active in this case. Though, it’s not mandatory.

Easy if you have U turn rail.

It’s not geometrically perfect, but it’s okay.

Curve rail and double track outer curve rail are partially used to increase flexibility to compensate a small gap.
The U turn of double track is perfect as well when you build a station in a double track and run a train.

Typical station seen in residential area or suburb.

The train runs inbound and outbound lines alternately.
Would you like it?
That’s reverse track technique to run a train continuously without making the entire track a loop. It’s also fun to see a train switches a point by itself.
The reverse tracks can be used in various track layouts. Try it!