ちょうちょ (A Butterfly)
A butterfly-shaped track layout.
The train continuously runs switching the points at figure-8 point rails automatically.
The antennae can be used for departure and arrival.

Set the points at turnout rails (orange) as shown above in order to run the train continuously.
The points at figure-8 point rail (magenta) may be at whichever position as these switch automatically.
必要なパーツ Required parts | 個数 Quantity |
直線レール Straight rail | 8 |
曲線レール Curve rail | 12 |
1/2直線レール 1/2 straight rail | 3 |
1/4直線レール 1/4 straight rail | 4 |
ターンアウトレール Turnout rail | L1, R1 |
8の字ポイントレール Figure-8 point rail | L1, R1 |
ニュー坂レール Slope rail | 2 |
坂曲線レール Sloping curve rail | A4, B4 |
ブロック橋脚 Pier block | 2 |
ミニ橋脚 Mini pier | 12 |
車止め Buffer stop | 2 |
つくりかた (How to build)
Step 1. 地上部分 (Ground part)

1/4直線レール (1/4 straight rail)
The 1/4 straight rails are used to position the rails nicely at the multi-level crossing.
If you don’t have 4 female-male 1/4 straight rails, then turn figure-8 point rail over so that you can use 1 F-F rail and 1 M-M rail instead of 2 F-M rails.
F-F and M-M can be used by turning figure-8 point rail over.
車止め (Buffer stops)
Buffer stops are not essential. Also, the straight rail at the end may be replaced with stop/go rail.

Step 2. 高架部分 (Elevated part)

坂レールと橋脚の数 (Quantity of slopes and pier blocks)
This track is designed so that a set of S-06 Slope rail and a set of R-18 Sloping curve rail give just enough slopes and pier blocks.
立体交差 (Overhead crossing)
As the train passes under the slope rails with minimum height margins, make sure to position the pier blocks close enough to the track on ground.

Would you like it?
That’s the track layout includes multi-level crossing with minimum number of pier blocks and automatic switching points. Have fun!