[R-03] 曲線レール (Curve rail)
[R-03] 曲線レールについて詳しく知る。
To deep dive into [R-03] Curve rail.

重要度 Importance | ★★★★★5 | 最重要レール。これがないと周回レイアウトができません。 The most important rail. Mandatory to make a loop. |
おすすめ所持数 Recommended number of possession | 24~32 (6~8 packs) | 最も使うレールです。多いようですが円3~4個分と考えると納得のいく数だと思います。 Most frequently used. It may look too much, but should be deemed reasonable as it’s for 3~4 circles. |
購入タイミング When to get | はじめから From the beginning | ずっと使います。 Always used. |
It’s an essential to build a loop.
Eight (8) curve rails make a circle.
Its outer diameter is 470mm (18.5″) and inner diameter is 394mm (15.5″). FAQ on the official website shows a little bit smaller dimensions, though we use outer diameter of 470mm based on other literatures and actual measurement.
This 470mm had been determined so that they can play Plarail on chabudai table (Japanese traditional low profile, small, round shape table) when Plarail was originally released in 1959.
The radius of curve rail to its center line is 216mm (8.5″) and it’s the length of straight rail.
The current product is made of polypropylene so pretty tough.
The dimension of curve rail and relationship to straight rail.

Curve rail is the rail which you need the most, and you will possess it as many as pier blocks or the second most.
For example, 16 curves are required to build the following simple two-story donuts.

必要なパーツ Required parts | 個数 Quantity |
曲線レール Curve rail | 16 |
ブロック橋脚 Pier block | 8 |
You will get 4~16 curve rails when you get a Plarail set first.
For a plane track without pier blocks, 8~14 curve rails should be sufficient. Suggested to add 1 pack of curve rails (4pcs) as you get 1 pack of pier blocks (6pcs).
So far, you might think “I should get just more, it’s essential, cheap and doesn’t take up space." however always be careful not to buy too much.
Ultimately 6~8 packs of curve rail (24~32pcs) which is equivalent to 3~4 circles.
Curve rail is a standard rail and there are many rails with the same geometry as curve rail such as curve part of turnout rail, figure-8 point rail, elevated curve rail, sloping curve rail, and inner track of double track curve rail.
For personal use at home, the combination of those rails would be sufficient.
使いかたのコツ (Tips for Use)
反時計回りに凸 (Male joint to head counterclockwise)
When you build a loop track, placing curve rails with their male joint counterclockwise can make the thing easier.
Of course the track layout won’t always you to do so, though it’s still good to know.

There are 2 reasons as follows.
1. 「反時計回りに凸」専用のレールがある (Several rails can only be used CCW)
R-19 自動ターンアウトレール、R-16 自動ポイントレール、R-18 坂曲線レールは、裏返して使うことはできません。
R-19 Automatic turnout rail, R-16 Automatic point rail, and R-18 Sloping curve rail are non-reversible.
All these rails are designed their male joints counterclockwise. Therefore, the connections should be easier if the track is built with male joints counterclockwise.

Non-reversible rails are all CCW.
Where the rails cannot be counterclockwise in the track layout, that’s absolutely fine. Just use F-F or M-M 1/4 straight rails to adjust the joint as necessary.
2. ブロック橋脚にピッタリのる (Comes at the center of a pier block)
By connecting male joint clockwise, it looks smooth as the spots on the rail are hidden underneath. However when you put the curve rails on a block pier with male joint CW, the spots at the joint contact the protrusions at the edge of pier block, and the rail joint cannot come exactly at the center.
It will be solved by placing curve rail with male joint CCW.
Usually you don’t have to care of this small offset, though.
Would you like it?
We reviewed curve rail, the most important rail of Plarail.
Probably it’s a lot deeper story than you expected for this simple rail.