[R-06] ニュー坂レール (Slope rail)
[R-06] ニュー坂レールについて詳しく知る。
To deep dive into [R-06] Slope rail.

重要度 Importance | ★★★★★5 | 登り下りに立体交差。このレールでプラレールの世界が大きくひろがります。 Up/down and multi-level crossing. It will expand your Plarail world a lot. |
おすすめ所持数 Recommended number of possession | 2~6 (1~3 packs) | まずは1組、橋脚や複線レールが増えてきたらもう1組欲しいです。 4組を使い切るにはものすごい量の橋脚が必要になるので、多くても3組あれば十分でしょう。 Get a pair of slope rail first. As you get more pier blocks or double track rails, add one more pair. Four pair of slope rails will require pier blocks too much. Three pairs should be sufficient. |
購入タイミング When to get | 3歳ごろ〜 For ages 3+ | レイアウトをひたすら壊すのを卒業して、おとなと一緒に組み立てられるようになったら買いどきです。 Get it when a kid stops just destroying a track and starts to build a track with adult. |
Slope rail is used to build a track with up/down.
Although the official name is “new slope rail," it was released in the last century and we should be able to call it just “slope rail."
It’s set of 2 and comes with 2 pier blocks.
The other option to go up/down is sloping curve rail (R-18).

坂にしたときの横の長さは432mm (17″)。直線レール(R-01)2本分です。
The slope horizontally travels 432mm (17″), twice as long as a straight rail (R-01).
It goes up/down by 1 pier block (J-14).

Travels 2 straight rails horizontally and 1 pier block vertically.
You can make a similar slope using straight rails (R-01) and mini piers (J-15), however it’s unstable on the pier blocks, the ends of the slope are not smooth, and the horizontal travel is a little bit shorter.
Recommended to use slope rails to make slopes.

Slope rail gives smooth ends.
Some trains might have a trouble on climbing the slope.

No issues on sloping curve rail as it’s shallower, though.
Add straight rails (R-01), 1/2 straight rails (R-02), and curve rails (R-03) to build a loop with overhead crossing.

Half straight rails not to bump into pier block at an overhead crossing.
Add pier blocks (J-14) to make a loop compact.

The simplest loop with slope rails.
Slope rail can also be used for double track.
Elevating one of the double track may look even better.
Some Plarail set products include slope rails, but most set products don’t.
This is highly recommended because this slope rail or sloping curve rail is necessary to build a track going up/down.
Consider getting a container for this long rail as well.
You may want one more pair of slope rails as you get more pier blocks and/or double track rails.
Could be up to 3 pairs of slope rails.
However, 4 pairs look too much because that requires huge amount of pier blocks as well as it’s difficult to use all the 8 slope rails in a single layout.
使いかたのコツ (Tips for Use)
1. 坂レールの下をくぐる3パターン (Three ways to pass under slope rail)
Passing under a slope rail does not work usually due to lack of height margin. Here are 3 ways to make it as shown below.
A track gradually deforms as trains run continuously. Also, an elevated rail warps when a train passes.
Therefore in a track layout which has minimum margin overpasses, eventually a train may be caught by an upper rail.
In this case, stop the train, fix the deformations, and run again.
A. 端から1/4直線レール分のところで立体交差 (Overpass crossing at 1/4 straight rail distance from pier block)
A train can go under a slope rail at a distance of 1/4 straight rail from its upper end as shown below.

A train won’t hit because the ceiling of this section is higher than that of a pier block.

B. 曲線レールでくぐる (Underpass on a curve rail)
In the following track layout, a train on the curve rail can barely pass under the slope rail.

The room is really marginal, so run a train in the direction so that the power switch on the roof comes to the opposite side of the critical point as shown below.
It reasonably prevents the power switch from being caught and turning off by the slope rail.

C. 坂レールの下に坂レール (Slope rail under slope rail)
A train runs on a slope rail right under the slope rail without any issues as shown below.

2. 坂レールの上を通す2パターン (Two ways to pass over slope rail)
When a slope rail passes under the rail, the followings are the way to avoid crash.
A. 坂レールの端のところで立体交差 (Overpass crossing at the bottom of slope rail)
It’s roomy compared to others.
Still okay even if offset by 1/4 straight.
B. 曲線レールを通す (Overpass on curve rail)
A curve rail over a slope rail allows a train to pass barely on the slope.
Make sure to run a train in the direction so that the power switch comes opposite side to the curve as show below.
The curve rail on the upper level cannot be replaced with elevated curve rail. Train will crash.
3. 下り坂の先での脱線に注意 (Be careful of going off the rail right after downhill)
Avoid connecting the following rails directly to the downhill of slope rail. It can cause derailment due to overspeed.
Derailment can also be avoided by adding a straight rail to after the slope rail.
- 坂曲線レール(下り)
Sloping curve rail (downhill) - Y字ポイントレール
Y point rail - 8の字ポイントレール
Figure-8 point rail - 交差ポイントレール(直進はOK)
Grade crossing point rail (OK if no turns)

Curve rail looks also risky, though it should be fine in most cases.
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We reviewed slope rail which is essential to build a track with up/down.
Multi-level crossing is awesome. It’s unique to Plarail which allows to build a track climbing many uphills.
Use slope rails well and make your track amazing.