[R-20] 1/4直線レール (1/4 straight rail)
[R-20] 1/4直線レールについて詳しく知る。
To deep dive into [R-20] 1/4 straight rail.

重要度 Importance | ★★★★★5 | 長さ合わせだけでなく、つなぎ目の向きを変えることができる重要パーツです。 It does not only adjust the track length, but also adjust the joint of the rails. Very handy. |
おすすめ所持数 Recommended number of possession | 1~2 packs | 1セットあるととにかくできることが増えます。足りないと思ったらもう1セット。 Get 1 pack anyway to add a great flexibility for building track. Get 1 more pack if insufficient. |
購入タイミング When to get | レールを買い足したくなったら When you add some more rail parts to your first Plarail. | リバース線や複線の駅を作るときによく使います。 Frequently used to build a reverse track and/or a double track station. |
Overview of 1/4 straight rail.
名前のとおり、R-01 直線レールの1/4の長さのレールです。
As the name indicates, it’s quarter as long as R-01 straight rail.
The dimension of 1/4 straight rail and relationship to straight rail.

Set of 3 each of F-M, F-F, M-M

Straight rail family.
Some Plarail set products contain two F-M 1/4 straight rails and some set products don’t.
When you consider addition of several more rail parts as the initial set product becomes unsatisfactory, it’s strongly recommended to include a set of 1/4 straight rails.
There is not only Female-Male joint rails, but also F-F and M-M rails which are very active to adjust the joint.
In a double track layout, the adjustment is necessary on each track. Therefore it’s nice to have one more set of 1/4 straight rails when you introduce double track rails.
使いかたのコツ (Tips for Use)
1. つなぎ目の向きを合わせる (To adjust the joints)
Haven’t you ever experienced a trouble – the joint of the rails are not Female and Male in the end?
Female-Female or Male-Male 1/4 straight rail can be used in this case.
Non-reversible rails tend to cause a joint trouble.
Particularly when you make a station which has two separate platforms serving two tracks by using two town stations (J-28), you have to insert 1/4 straight rails to adjust the joints at both ends.
Quarter straight rails allow town stations to be placed without changing the separation of the double track.

Double track wide point rails (R-15) may substitute but the track becomes bigger.
2. レールの長さを合わせる (To adjust the length of track)
Each double track wide point rail (R-15) and double track turnout rail (R-28) is as long as 1+1/4 straight rails.
Also, the separation of the wider end of Y point rail (R-22) or double track wide point rail is as same as the length of 1/2 straight rail.
Sometimes 1/4 straight rail is necessary to adjust the length when you use the point rails described above.

Equal in length to 1+1/4 straight rails.

A little bit academic track layout which requires an adjustment using 1/4 straight rails.
複線レールの間隔は60mm (2.4″)で1/4直線レールの長さは54mm (2.1″)。おしいですが、6mm (0.24″)だけちがいます。
The separation of double track rail is 60mm (2.4″) and the length of 1/4 straight rail is 54mm (2.1″). These are almost same but only 6mm (0.24″) different.

Unfortunately the separation of the double track is slightly greater.
As the dimensions are still similar to each other, a train can make a U turn at the end of the double track using straight rails (R-01), curve rails (R-03), and 1/4 straight rail.

The 6mm difference is negligible in this use.
3. リバース線に使う (To make a reverse track)
In combination with 1/2 straight rails, you can make a straight rail with Female-Female or Male-Male joints.

It can be applied to build a reverse track.
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