[R-11] ターンアウトレール (Turnout Rail)
[R-11] ターンアウトレールについて詳しく知る。
To deep dive into [R-11] turnout rail.

重要度 Importance | ★★★★★5 | 分岐レールといえばこれです。 Point rail is about turnout rail. |
おすすめ所持数 Recommended number of possession | 1~2 packs | レールセットにも入っていることが多いです。いちばん使う分岐レールだと思いますが、2セットもあればよさそうです。 Many set products contain it. Although it’s the most frequently used point rail, two pairs would be sufficient. |
購入タイミング When to get | はじめから From the beginning | レイアウトに取り入れやすく、リバース線や引き込み線、操車場を作るときにもよく使います。 Easy to incorporate to the track, and frequently used to build a reverse track, a siding, or a marshaling yard. |
Overview of turnout rail.
Turnout rail is a point rail with a shape of combination of a straight rail and a curve rail.
You can switch the direction by switching the yellow point when a train runs to the forking direction.
When running to the merging direction, the wheel on the train pushes the point and you don’t have to set it before passing.

If you remember it, you’ll build your track easier.

Set of L and R.
It’s the most likely point rail to be included in a Plarail set product.
As it’s also the easiest to use and the most versatile of the point rails, it’s recommended to get it first if you want to build a track with switching points.
There is automatic turnout rail (R-19) as well which is an advanced turnout rail.
If you want 2nd or 3rd set of turnout rails, it would be nice to consider a purchase of R-19.

Typical point rails on single track layout.
Turnout rail is compatible with pier blocks.

Well designed to be on pier blocks.
By the way…for some reason, the straight part of turnout rail is shorter than straight rail by approximately 2mm (1/8″). The same thing goes for the curve part and curve rail.
Slightly shorter than straight rail or curve rail.
It won’t be problematic in most cases, but in some cases the track may not look to fit perfectly even though it should be geometrically perfect.

No issues on running Plarail train, though the joints look slightly deformed.
使いかたのコツ (Tips for Use)
1. 分岐と合流のあるレイアウト (Fork and merge)
The most typical use of turnout rails is forking and merging.

A typical track layout with a set of turnout rails.
Variation of forking and merging.

Advanced use example #1.

Advanced use example #2.
2. 操車場をつくる (To build a siding/marshaling yard)
Turnout rail can be used to build a track for parking.
Once you finish building a track, replace a straight rail or a curve rail with a turnout rail to make a branch.
Your track will look even better if you display as many trains as you have on branches.

Extend the siding so that a train running on the main track doesn’t crash.

Useful to connect marshaling yard (J-06).
3. リバース線に使う (To make a reverse track)
A reverse track is a gimmick to let a train run back and forth automatically. Turnout rail is active to make it.

A reverse track made with a turnout rail.
4. 島式ホームをつくる (To make an island platform)
One of the frequent mistake regarding turnout rail is to fail to adjust the length of the track in the case shown below.

One of frequent mistakes.
No worries! Use double track outer curve rails (R-09) and 1/4 straight rails (R-20) to make it.

The key is double track outer curve rail.
It’s adequate, though the track is not geometrically perfect and the outer track looks a little bit away from the platform.
This technique is pretty active when you build a station with two island platforms and four tracks connected to double track.
(We call a platform with tracks on both sides “island platform.")

A station with two platforms and four tracks.
Note that Y point rail (R-22) is the best to build a station with one platform and two tracks on single track.

Use Y point rails for single island platform.
Lastly, we review the way to build an island platform with turnout rails – without using Y point rail or double track outer curve rail.

Half straight rails make the proportion nicer but you can omit them if you don’t have.
Would you like it?
We reviewed turnout rail which can be used anytime when you make railroad branches.