周回レイアウトをつくる〜端を整えてコピー (Make a loop ~ Arrange ends and copy)

この記事のねらい/Goal of this article

To learn one of techniques to make a loop, “Arrange ends and copy."

It may not be always easy to build a loop which is geometrically correct.

For sure it’s easy to make a simple circle or an oval, however once you use curve rails in s-shape, you may find it difficult to connect the last joints nicely.

きれいに埋まらないすきま/A gap cannot be filled perfectly.

Thanks to a play at the joint of Plarail, it allows to connect the rails with some misalignment. The greater number of rails used, the more misalignment can be absorbed. That is fine. If kids are happy with their job, be happy for them even if the track is obviously distorted.

明らかに余分なレールがあるけどヨシ!/Never mind as long as kids are happy!

However, there is always a limit.
We will review one of the techniques to build a geometrically perfect track, “Arrange ends and copy" in this article.

おとなでも悩むかもしれません/Even adult may be debating.

Step 1: 端の向きをそろえる (Align the ends)

First, make the both ends face the same direction by adding or subtracting rails.
At each end, whichever straight or curve rail is fine.

端を平行にします/Make the ends parallel.

Eight curve rails make a circle.
Therefore, 1 curve rail changes the orientation by 45°.

Step 2: つなぎ目の向きをチェック (Check the joints)

When 1/4 straight rail and/or figure-8 point rail is used in the track, the joint of the ends may be female-female or male-male.
In this case, make the ends female-male by using 1/4 straight rail.

つなぎ目は凹と凸になるようにします/The ends have to be female and male.

Step 3: 同じものをもう一個つくる (Copy the track)

できたらstep 4に進みます。
Duplicate the track you prepared above.
When it’s done, go to step 4.

コピーを作ります/Make a copy.

…If you don’t have such more rails or scenery parts to do so, use the following tips.

Case 1: 情景が足りない場合 (Shortage of scenery parts)

If it’s a scenery part that you don’t have an extra such as a station or a railroad crossing, just replace with another scenery part or a rail with the same dimension on the copied one.
Most scenery parts are designed to be the same length as a straight rail.

Case 2: 直線レールが足りない場合 (Shortage of straight rails)

Remove straight rail(s) from the original track then copy it.
Adding or subtracting straight rails doesn’t affect the orientation of the ends.

Case 3: 曲線レールが足りない場合 (Shortage of curve rails)

Identify where a pair of curve rails configure S-shape, remove the both curve rails, then copy the track.

Though it may not be easy, it works when straight part is in between as well.

Could you finally prepare for the two identical tracks? Let’s proceed to the next.

Step 4: 片方を上下逆さまに回して、つなげる (Turn one upside down then connect)

Turn one of the two tracks upside down (rotate 180°).
Note that it doesn’t mean to turn over.
Then you’ll be able to connect the two tracks perfectly!

Would you like it?
It’s “Arrange ends and copy" which makes any winding track a perfect loop.
After this, it’s also fun to add point rails and/or slopes to make your track even more wonderful.